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火博体育大学 requires general liability insurance for approved, third-party users of college facilities. This requirement can be satisfied by providing a certificate of insurance showing evidence of proper general liability insurance. 因为 inability for some third-party users to obtain general liability insurance on their own, the college has enrolled in the Tenant User's Liability 保险 Policy (TULIP), designed for third-party facility users who need to purchase general liability insurance.

TULIP is a web-based, low-cost insurance policy that protects both the facility user 还有大学. The policy applies to bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use of college premises by external users (third parties with no relation to 大学). Premium costs will be paid by the third party. Premium costs are based on the nature of the event, the duration of the event, the number of participants, the level of risk of the event (i.e. higher risk events such as camps, sporting events, rock concerts, to lower risk events such as classroom seminars, job fairs, etc.), any special requirements such as liquor liability, etc.

To purchase coverage: 
  1. 访问: http://郁金香 URMIA郁金香
  2. Click on “Get A Quote” located on the left side of the screen. 
  3. Select the location of your event by following the prompts: 
  4. Select State – New York 
  5. Select the Location – 火博体育大学 
  6. 点击“下一步”   
  7. Select the Event Dates and Average Daily Attendance for your events using the calendar 函数.
  8. Select your Event Type by following the prompts. 
  9. On the “Additional Coverage Options” screen – Select additional coverage as required 根据你的事件.  (Note: General Liability Coverage Limits are already preloaded). 
  10. Review your Coverage and Premium. 
  11. Input payment information and click “Submit.”
  12. You will receive an email confirmation after you have been accepted for coverage.    Please forward a copy of your evidence of insurance to the College contact you are 处理.