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Skidmore College
英语 Department

Life After Skidmore

What can you actually do with an 英语 major? A degree in 英语 prepares students for a wide variety of professions, including careers in law, education, publishing, public relations, business, or any field where communication matters. 火博体育Career Development Center 有很多 online resources for students interested in exploring life after the 英语 major.

We recommend several resources for students beginning to contemplate how to translate the skills of the 英语 major to a professional context. “What Can I Do With This Major?” offers an overview of how your skills might find use in a variety of professional settings, and 火博体育

"Living the Liberal Arts" documents some of the many destinations of Skidmore alumni, including 英语 majors.

Skidmore 英语 majors have gone on to work at companies like PayPal, Simon & 舒斯特尔, the Associated Press, Cole Haan, and HBO, and have earned graduate degrees in education, law, public policy, and much more.

Students who would like to talk to faculty about life after the 英语 major are encouraged to contact 教授. Barbara Black or 教授. 琳达大厅.