同侪学术辅导 同侪学术辅导


支持BI 107、108、246

房间:CIS 103B

Peer Academic 教练es are available to help you develop your content knowledge 和 生物学学习技巧.  没有必要注册.  只是顺道拜访一下!

太阳7-9PM Mon 7-9PM 外胎7-9PM 结婚7-9PM 碰头7-9PM
杰克 Zaye 托马斯。 Zaye 贝卡
泰勒 杰克 贝卡 杰克






火博体育我的我喜欢读书,远足,和朋友们出去玩! 我对神经科学充满热情 和着迷 by how the nervous system controls essential physiological functions, as well as 情感和更高层次的思考.

为什么PAC: The PACs 帮助我 tremendously through both introductory 生物学 classes, 和 Intro 对神经科学. In particular it was helpful to have someone with a different perspective 和我一起讨论概念. 我希望我能像以前的PACs一样帮助其他同学 帮助我!

最喜欢的课程和原因我最喜欢的课程是神经科学导论. 它给了我很好的基础 information about how the brain communicates, 和 processes sensory information.

学术的建议: Figure out what study 和 learning strategies most effectively help you underst和 这种材料. 同时,记录下最令人困惑的事情,然后提出问题 有很多问题!

Zaye Buanno 24岁

主要: 生物学  Zaye

火博体育我: I have been interested in biology since middle school when I first began doing experiments 在实验室里. Since then, I have enjoyed going more in detail in various fields of biology. 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢看电影和听音乐. 我也学芭蕾 在火博体育上课,喜欢跳舞和锻炼.

为什么PAC?: PAC has been a great resource for me throughout my time 在火博体育. 这对 anything from studying for exams to just going to have a set time to complete homework. I hope I can provide support for students with a wide range of needs as a Peer Academic 教练.

最喜欢的课程和原因: 到目前为止,我在火博体育最喜欢的课程是微生物学. 实验室部分尤其 interesting because we were able to learn about the microbes that are present in everyday 生命元素,比如我们呼吸的空气和我们喝的水.

学术建议: Time management has been especially helpful to me because it allows me to plan out when I will complete assignments 和 allows me to account for any time I may need 问问题. PAC是一个很好的资源!

灰ley Buick '25

主要: 生物学(目的)    灰

火博体育我: I love all STEM fields, but biology, particularly ecology, has always been a favorite 我的. 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车. 我也喜欢画画,并且正在努力 尽可能多地上美术课!

为什么PAC?: PAC was such a great resource for me in my freshman year, especially before an exam! I hope I can help someone in the same way other students have 帮助我.

喜欢的类: 我真的很喜欢生物107实验室,尽管我不喜欢分子 & 细胞生物学. Not only did it give me lots of h和s-on experience with lab equipment, but it also 帮助我 learn data collection, analysis, 和 presentation, which are just as important 作为讲座材料.  

学术建议: Drawing diagrams of important processes 和 concepts has been my most effective strategy 用于学习和理解(特别是在白板上)!). 同时,要充分利用 办公时间!  

泰勒·戴维斯26岁     泰勒

火博体育我: 生物学 has always been my favorite in the sciences, especially Evolutionary 生物学
和动物行为. 业余时间我喜欢旅行、听音乐和攀岩 time.

为什么PAC?: PAC is a great way to connect with other students interested in the same research
我是少校. 这也使我能够用我的材料来支持其他学生 充满激情的

最喜欢的课程和原因? 我最喜欢的课绝对是进化论. 这材料很吸引人 因为这是我最喜欢的生物话题之一. 学习进化的多样性 应用程序和
它与生物学其他领域的联系也很酷. 现任教授 也给了很多

学术建议: The best academic strategy I can recommend is to set a definitive goal for
each class 和 then make a staircase of steps you need to take to achieve it. 这 策略是
effective at motivating because now that you have taken time to underst和 your steps, 这是
很难不坚持到底. 这也是一项持续不断的工作,将会有所帮助 你会进步


主要: 生物学(目的)    贝卡

火博体育我: 我喜欢把时间花在户外以及随之而来的任何活动上. 我喜欢骑自行车, hiking, playing basketball 和 for the times I'm inside, reading 和 drawing. 我的爱 for biology has come from wanting to explore how things work from a macro level down 在微观层面上.

为什么PAC: PAC is an amazing resource that I have been taking advantage of since I first got ,火博体育. I think having your peers help with what you are confused on is very 有价值的. Chances are they had similar questions at one point 和 can now explain 用相关的术语来说. 

最喜欢的课程: 我最喜欢的课是生物107. 我喜欢这门课,因为它深入到 生物如何运作的微观层面,这让我很着迷.

学术建议: 当你不明白的时候大声说出来. 不管是给你的教授, coming to PAC, or asking a classmate, don't keep your questions to yourself. 你会 学得更多,对材料有更深的理解.


火博体育我:  I’m definitely a very scientifically-minded person, 和 I’ve had a deep interest in 进化生物学研究了很长时间. 我的爱好包括阅读、远足和玩耍 火博体育官网(尤其是乒乓球和足球).  


为什么PAC?:  I think PAC is a wonderful resource, whether you’re struggling with new concepts, blocking out time to do homework, or looking for a study group—for that reason I’m 很高兴能有机会贡献自己的力量! 我也从中获得了很多乐趣 in helping people learn 和 figure PAC is a great way to exercise that.

最喜欢的课程和原因?:  我非常喜欢有机体生物学. 我被这些截然不同的东西迷住了 forms of life which were discussed, 和 the course made very clear how extraordinarily complex systems 和 mechanisms operating within 和 between organisms can simultaneously 非常漂亮.

学术建议:  I see a lot of people copying presentation slides word for word into their notebooks, but in my experience, your time is better spent really listening closely to the professor 和 trying to underst和 the concepts in the moment, stopping only to jot down key details (这 especially applies if the professor’s slides are accessible after class!). 这, in addition to asking 有很多问题, has saved me a lot of time underst和ing 内容的长远发展.


主要:生物学   托马斯。

火博体育我的我是一个真正的细菌爱好者,尤其喜欢细菌 假单胞菌spp. 和 E. 杆菌 (WT). 在教室和实验室里,我相信我是一个狂野的人 E. 杆菌. As a microbiologist, I spent most of my day in McDevitt’s lab for my fantastic environmental 微生物学项目. 我相信细菌(可能是它们的亲戚,古细菌)是 the most magical thing in the world—they can reduce metal 和 plastic contaminations. If you see me 在实验室里, please feel free to say hi, bacteria, except when I am talking 致我的细菌! 我学重金属 & 抗菌素耐药性,城市化 of raccoon dogs, the urban influence on avian foraging, parasitology on common yellowthroat, 蜱传细胞病原体; Anasplama sp. 基因变异, E. 杆菌 分子进化和内分泌渗透调节. 我的综合思维是 总是对所有学科开放,包括生物学问题!

为什么PAC: PAC有很多生物(可能是……细菌)?)爱好者! 至少他们不害怕 我是大肠杆菌! 我喜欢谈论各种细胞或病毒,包括 智人谁喜欢世界上最神奇的东西——生物. 

最喜欢的课程和原因: I love all biology courses, including organismal biology 和 molecular foundation of life, taught by Corey Freeman-Gallant 和 Sylvia Franke McDevitt, my favorite teachers 在火博体育. 他们是我在魔法世界里的邓布利多.

学术的建议: Be a biology lover, fascinated by every rewarding moment, no matter what grade you 得到! 像E一样精力充沛. 大肠杆菌——它们可以适应并在许多条件下生存! 享受 魔法世界的旅程! 而且,我相信生命科学是一种实践体验, for example of my favorite “spells”, WB, FISH, ELISA, PCR, molecular cloning, NGS, CRISPR - Cas系统 & 定点). 换句话说,如果我们是巫师 没有练习或创造咒语,我们只能是哑炮. 因此,我很享受 being a TA in introductory biology labs to create spells with my fellow wizard.