

  • 12月员工会议回顾
  • 这周五的孩子之夜
  • 网络内容培训 for interested departments and programs
  • ‌Reminder: Those affected by the February data breach should sign up for credit protection by Thursday 
  • ·唐假日市集, ACA文化夜市, 四人制和淘汰赛, 运动员服装年度销售, 还有其他事件



教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友捐赠时间, 努力, 货物, 以及第18届年度活动的资金.


火博体育组织了一个11月. 29 faculty panel that offered multiple scholarly perspectives and the webinar “Peacemakers at a Time of War,” presented by the Jewish and Palestinian peace group Roots on Nov. 27.

A student performs on stage in front of this year's Skidmania logo.

President Marc Conner and other College administrators briefed Skidmore 工作人员 about important topics, including the College’s transition to TIAA as the single service provider for employee retirement plans, 在本学期最后一次员工会议上.


Professional development, events, training, other opportunities

  • 沟通风格研讨会,12月. 12 

‌For more information, including registration details and a full listing of opportunities, visit the 专业发展及培训网站.


人力资源 invites interested Skidmore employees to submit application materials 以下职位空缺: 

  • 学术顾问和STEM顾问-机会计划 

如需申请,请访问 Okta门户. Click on the tile for “Oracle HCM,” click “Me,” and then click on “Current Jobs."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 这里的外部申请者.


叶莲娜Biberman-Ocakli, associate professor of political science, published an article with alumni in an academic journal. Read more>> 

‌罗伯特·波伊尔, 英语教授, authored a book that has recently received a number of positive reviews and distinctions. Read more>> 

杰森Breves, associate professor of biology, co-authored an article in an academic journal. Read more>> 


‌斯蒂芬·艾夫斯, associate professor of health and human physiological sciences, 他的研究获得了资助. Read more>> 

博士后工作人员科学家Kelsey詹森,项目经理 Eliana Colzani, 22岁,副数据科学家 摩根·麦克卢尔,22岁、助理教授 克里斯汀科维, all affiliated with the Environmental Studies and Sciences Program, 发表了一篇同行评审论文. Read more>> 

茱莉亚马可,营销和参与总监 莎拉多边投资担保机构, senior director of external relations and strategic communications, presented at a symposium. Read more>> 

Nadia Marin-Guadarrama, visiting assistant professor of anthropology, presented a paper. Read more>> 

瑞安·理查德·奥弗比罗伯特·H.N. Ho Family Foundation Assistant Professor in Buddhist Studies, co-edited a volume. Read more>> 

‌劳里Rabinowitz, assistant professor of education studies, published an article in an academic journal. Read more>> 

丹尼斯·史密斯健康和人体生理科学教授,以及 苏D 'Isabel, 健康与安全实验室项目经理, 在学术期刊上发表论文. Read more>>



作为提醒, Skidmore has sent letters to those affected by a data breach earlier this year and is offering complimentary access to 益百利IdentityWorksSM 24个月. To start monitoring your personal information, please visit the Experian IdentityWorks网站 招收. You will need the activation code that came in your personalized letter. 如果您对产品有疑问, need assistance with Identity Restoration that arose as a result of the security incident, or would like an alternative 招收ing in Experian IdentityWorks online, please contact Experian’s customer care team at 1-877-288-8057 by tomorrow, 12月. 7. If you have misplaced your activation code and need a new one, please reach out to Skidmore的IT服务台.


‌The Tang Student Advisory Council invites you to the annual Tang Holiday Bazaar from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. 12月5日星期五. 8、在唐. Dozens of Skidmore 学生 will be selling a variety of wares, 包括艺术, 珠宝, 服装, 陶器, 和更多的. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 唐的网站.


下午5点到7点半加入我们.m. 这个星期五,12月. 8, at the Spa for an evening of tasty food, performances, games. 今年我们与Nihongo合作, ‘, 国际学生会, 穆斯林学生协会, Raices to bring you all our different cultural street foods. Bring cash or Venmo on hand to buy a variety of finger foods and other treats.


‌An 火博体育中东冲突的在线研究指南 现在可以在斯克里布纳图书馆的网站上找到吗. This interdisciplinary guide is meant to serve as an introduction to the conflict and jumping off point for research into other aspects of the Middle East. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 玛尔塔布伦纳.


‌Athletics will host its annual sale of new and used apparel from noon to 2 p.m. 12月12日星期一. 11号,在威廉姆森体育中心的健身房里. 现金、火博体育卡和支票都可以支付.


‌Kids ages 5 to 13 are invited to come enjoy well-supervised recreational activities provided by the great facilities of 火博体育大学’s Williamson Sports Center 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 周五,12月. 8. 无需预先登记. 费用是每个孩子10美元. 更多信息,请发送电子邮件 罗恩Plourde.


‌Students are invited to learn how to unlock the full potential of LinkedIn, 了解员工福利, 在文科专业取得成功, 并在这个在线教学系列中理财. 在握手时注册. 联系 米歇尔·霍布斯 有问题的.


‌Join the peer academic coaches for health and human physiological sciences for 四人制和淘汰赛 in the Main Gym from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. 12月5日星期五. 8. 联系 金伯利里维拉 了解更多信息.


‌Departments and programs interested in managing their own web content should contact webteam@parkcitiesflowermarket.net 安排培训. 电子邮件 艾米Ballesteros 了解更多.


‌Please help reduce bulk emails by posting your announcement in Skidmore Weekly Bulletin, 分发给所有学生和员工. 提交 公告和活动, 学术讲座, 教职员工的成就 通过填写适当的在线表格. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. 请注意,该公告将暂停在寒假期间. 员工分发将于1月1日恢复. 1月10日发给学生. 17. 请电子邮件 swb@parkcitiesflowermarket.net 如果你有问题.


‌Visit the 火博体育商店 for its annual holiday sale from 8:30 a.m. 到下午4点.m. 今天,12月11日星期三. 6. 去不了商店? 享受八折优惠 skidmoreshop.com 订购skidmore品牌商品,优惠适用于12月11日. 6只.


▪不再需要的书可以拿回现金; 火博体育商店 回购将从上午8点30分开始.m. 到下午4点.m. 每日,星期五,12月11日. 12月8日,星期一. 12月11日至周五. 15. 联系 贝基Mattison or 凯伦·诺尔 的信息.


Nationally ranked and unbeaten hockey team off to record start 

‌The 火博体育大学 hockey team is off to the best start in its 45-year history with a 9-0-2 record. The Thoroughbreds are ranked 10th nationally and travel to seventh-ranked Geneseo State to close out the semester at 7 p.m. 在周六. Skidmore is one of only two NCAA Division III teams without a loss this season. St. Scholastica以7胜0负排名第五. The Thoroughbreds lead the New England Hockey Conference with a 5-0-1 record. The team is among the national leaders in penalty killing (eighth), 得分防守(第二), 分差(第二), 得分进攻(第五次), 球队助攻(第四名)和球队得分(第五名). Goalie Tate Brandon is tied for that national lead in shutouts (three), is fifth in goals against (1.20),保存率第八(0.954). 凯登·帕特里克场均进球数为0.场均得分第11 (1).55). 在对Geneseo的比赛之后,火博体育将于1月9日回到主场. 5 against defending NCAA Division III national champion and top-ranked Hobart at 7 p.m. 然后在1月. 6分对阵排名第六的埃尔米拉.m. 更多信息,请访问 火博体育体育网站.


12月11日星期三至星期五. 6-8 




‌周三,12月. 6 

‌7 p.m. 



星期四,12月. 7 




‌星期四,12月. 7 

‌5:30-7 p.m. 

‌Student presentation: ‘The Frontera Effect; Myth and Reality of the Power of the Wall’ 


星期四,12月. 7 

‌6 p.m. 



‌星期四,12月. 7 

‌7:30 p.m. 



‌周六,12月. 9 

‌2 p.m. 



‌在12月. 10 

‌‘Arboreal:’ Art and science addressing trees and the environment 






