
Weekly Highlights

  • Oct. 6 staff meeting recap
  • Bread sale orders due Monday 
  • Steloff Lecture with Carolyn Forche萨拉托加图书节艺术学院选展l, Social (In)Justice at the U.S.-Mexico Border series, Celebration of President Emeritus Glotzbach, Athletics events, and more 

Skidmore News

Skidmore seal

President Marc C. 康纳和学院管理人员提供 updates about required trainings, upcoming events, 以及火博体育的机构规划时间表的下一步. 6 staff meeting. 

Skidmore students at club fair

How do you find your community at college? 火博体育有100多个俱乐部,在那里你可以交朋友,探索你的激情. You can even create your own. 这里有一些火博体育学生找到了自己的定位. 

Dining Services

餐饮服务部又开始卖自制面包了. Use your Skidmore credentials to order online by Monday, Oct. 16, for a pickup on Friday, Oct. 20. 


Please visit the Dining Services website regularly for updates, Spa Specials、营业时间等信息. 

Human Resources


  • Oct. 19: New Employee Orientation  
  • Oct. 24: Breakfast with HR Supervisor Roundtable 
  • Oct. 26: Networking Breakfast 
  • Oct. 31: Employee Assistance Program Event 


欲了解更多信息,包括注册细节和机会的完整列表,请访问 专业发展及培训网站.

Save the Date – Open Enrollment

福利开放登记于11月11日星期四开始. 2,必须在11月11日星期五之前完成. 17. 更多信息将于下周通过电子邮件分享.


Position openings 

Human Resources invites interested Skidmore employees to submit 申请材料如下: 

  • 主管,捐助者参与和管理-进步 


To apply, please access the Okta portal. 点击“Oracle HCM”,点击“我”,然后点击“当前工作”."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 external applicants here.

Faculty-Staff Achievements

Jeremy Day-O'Connell, associate professor of music, published an essay in a magazine. Read more>>

Sarah DiPasquale and Jason Ohlberg两位舞蹈副教授被选中共同出席一次会议. Read more>>


Catherine J. Golden, professor of English, 在期刊上发表过一篇文章,并为一本新的短篇小说集写过引言.


Holly McGarry, 金融服务部学生账户协调员, 她和她的乐队发行了一张新专辑,并将于下周在Caffe Lena.


Rebecca McNamera唐教馆副策展人 最近出版的展览目录,由代顿主任贡献 Ian Berry and faculty members Nurcan Atalan-Helicke, Denise Evert, Mark Huibregtse, Sara Lagalwar, Elaine Larsen, Sang-Wook Lee, Aarathi Prasad, Rachel Roe-Dale, Rachel Seligman, and Becky Trousil. Read more>> 


Aarathi Prasad他在一份学术期刊上发表了一篇文章.


Alexandra Prince她是宗教研究助理教授 research grant.

We welcome submissions 从教职员工相关的专业成就和学术努力.


Village Treats for the kids of faculty and staff

对于火博体育教职员工的孩子们来说,“不给糖就捣蛋”是一个迷人的夜晚, from 4 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 29, at Northwoods and Sussman apartments. An orange pumpkin graphic will be placed on the doors of participating apartments. For more information, contact Michaela Larsson or Residential Life. 


Saratoga Book Festival   

President Conner, Cleyvis Natera ' 99校友(“公园里的聂鲁达”), 英语教授和Salmagundi编辑鲍勃·博耶斯(Bob Boyers)将成为今年10月11日的演讲人之一. 12-15 Saratoga Book Festival. On Sunday, Oct. 下午1点将放映《火博体育官网》.m. 在甘尼特礼堂举行,之后是下午3点.m. 康纳总统与当地非营利组织和商业领袖埃德·米岑进行了讨论. 


Skidmore Theater presents “[RE]MAKING”

火博体育剧院的秋季黑盒子演出, “[RE]MAKING,改编自著名剧作家查尔斯·梅(Charles Mee)的开源剧本, will run Oct. 20 to 25. 本剧由驻场艺术家贾里德·克莱因执导. For more information, contact the Skidmore Theater Box Office; purchase tickets here


Celebration Weekend

为火博体育学生的朋友和家人举办的年度活动将于10月11日举行. 20 to 22. For more information, visit the Celebration Weekend website.

2023 Career Jam 

Students are invited to join the Career Development Center 在今年最大的校园网络活动上. Connect with alumni, parents, 以及来自各行各业的雇主讨论潜在的实习机会, job opportunities, and graduate school options from 3 to 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 20号,在Murray-Aikins餐厅二楼. For more information contact Lauren Sisson or visit the event page on Handshake. 

Ensemble Connect performance and residency 

Ensemble Connect -一群最优秀的年轻专业古典音乐家以卡内基音乐厅为基地-回归 Oct. 24 to 28, for their biannual residency and performance at Skidmore, now in its 17th year. Their performance at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 27, 在亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心将上演弗朗兹·舒伯特活泼的“鳟鱼”五重奏, Samuel Barber’s “Summer Music,以及米西·马佐利(Missy Mazzoli)的《火博体育》(Still Life with Avalanche).”

‌Selected Art Faculty Exhibition 

The 2023 Selected Art Faculty Exhibition 在希克美术馆(Schick Art Gallery)展出至10月11日(周五). 13, 展出鲁本·卡斯蒂略的版画和混合媒体作品, sculpture by John Galt, and paintings by Paul Sattler. 欲知更多详情及画廊开放时间,请浏览 the Schick's website. 


Celebration of President Emeritus Philip A. Glotzbach  

Join President Marc C. 康纳和在甘尼特礼堂的火博体育社区的成员, at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18日,一个庆祝菲利普·a·史密斯时代的小组讨论. Glotzbach, Skidmore's seventh President. The panel will be facilitated by Susan Kress, professor of English 名誉退休,前学术事务副校长. A reception will follow. 

Offers from Broadview FCU 

利用Broadview联邦信用合作社的利率. Act before Oct. 31 and earn cash bonuses of up to $1,350. Federally Insured by NCUA. For more information, visit Broadview’s website or contact Skidmore Broadview Branch.


To enter, follow @theskidmoreshop on Instagram and DM us a 你自己的照片(或者你和你的宠物的照片) in your favorite Skidmore gear. The deadline is 11 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 19. 

Skidmore每周简报提交程序 and schedule   

请通过在Skidmore每周公告中发布您的公告来帮助减少大量电子邮件, 分发给所有学生和员工. Submit announcements and events, academic lectures, and faculty-staff achievements by completing the appropriate online form. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. Please email swb@parkcitiesflowermarket.net if you have questions. 

Athletics News

这个周末,季后赛席位岌岌可危,因为纯种马队将在主场举行几场关键的自由联盟比赛. 男子足球队将于周五下午4点与RIT进行周末双打.m. and Ithaca Saturday at 2 p.m. 曲棍球队将在周日下午2点对瓦萨队进行比赛.m. 排球队将于周六上午11点主场迎战巴德队.m. and Ramapo at 3 p.m. in a non-league game. For more information, visit the Skidmore Athletics website 


Thursday, Oct. 12 

6 p.m.  

“画墙——美国文化的混合媒介再现”.S.《艺术家镜头下的墨西哥边境:美国的社会正义.S.-Mexico Border 

Case Gallery

Thursday, Oct. 12 

8 p.m.  

Frances Steloff Lecture with Carolyn Forche 

Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum  


Friday, Oct. 13  

3 p.m.  

“We Do It for God”: Politics, Worship and Islamic Electoral Activism  

Emerson Auditorium  


Friday, Oct. 13 

3 p.m.  

Tenzin Choegyal Solo Acoustic Performance 

Tang Teaching Museum 


Friday, Oct. 13 

5:30-7 p.m.  

与Álvaro恩西索,加布里埃拉的表演和艺术家对话 Galup和CIMI Alvarado:社会(In)正义在美国.S.-Mexico Border 

Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum  


Saturday, Oct. 14 

11 a.m.-2 p.m.    

艺术工作坊Álvaro恩西索,加布里埃拉 Galup和CIMI Alvarado:社会(In)正义在美国.S.-Mexico Border 

Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum 

Saturday Oct. 14 

7:30 p.m. 

Tenzin Choegyal with Attacca Quartet 

Arthur Zankel Music Center

‌Sunday, Oct. 15 

2 p.m. 

Tang Guide Tour with Renée Fritschel '24 

Tang Teaching Museum 


Monday, Oct. 16 

4-5:30 p.m.  


Filene Recital Hall 


Monday, Oct. 16 

4 p.m. 

Poetry at Work & Play 

Tang Teaching Museum 


Monday, Oct. 16 

6 p.m. 


Gannett Auditorium 


Monday, Oct. 16  

6 p.m.  

Whole Grain: Four Films by Tenzin Phuntsog 

Tang Teaching Museum 


Thursday, Oct. 19

7:30 p.m. 


Tang Teaching Museum 


Wednesday, Oct. 25

7:30 p.m. 

《创造关怀与气候危机:我们能做些什么?? A Jewish Perspective'

Gannett Auditorium 

Questions about Bulletin?


Skidmore College


 815 North Broadway

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
